What are Health@Home Hubs?

Health@Home Hubs are an essential building block for any open remote health monitoring solution due to the ability to provide plug and play interoperability for personal care devices through the use of international standards. LNI’s Health@Home product line is the only option in the market that follows the ITU-T H.810 for all of its interfaces. This ensures that data is always represented in a manner consistent with clinical requirements. With its standards-based architecture, Health@Home Hubs will not lock you into a costly cloud-based service as data collected by Health@Home Hubs can be forwarded to any Continua compliant WAN receiver.

If a cloud-based health data delivery service is required, Health@Home Hubs may be paired with Health@Home Exchange, which is LNI’s standards-based web services platform. Health@Home Exchange adds data translation and remote Hub management services, allowing organizations to scale and integrate their services.